Jaylan found salvation! We were so excited to have him baptized this last Sunday. We feel 2/3 accomplished, and are so grateful to the Lord for putting us in churches and around people who love the Lord so that we can help our children come to know him too.
I have found a voice that is no longer afraid to be the weird lady who mentions to people they need Jesus Christ. I don't know when God turned me into that person, but He did. Twice in one week I've told different people, people I've prayed for specifically to find salvation, that they needed salvation. That they need forgiveness and that they need to offer it to others. It's like someone else takes over my brain and body and I just can't hold it in. I think "someone else" does. At least, I hope it comes off that way....or it IS that way. I know I'm just planting seeds, and God will cultivate the rest, but I've never planted seeds in anyone over 5ft tall that I knew about, that I prayed over, that I spoke to. It feels.....obedient. I have ALWAYS loved pleasing my father. The difference here is the satisfaction of knowing I'm showing obedience to my REAL father is much more profound. Praise the Lord!!! And if you are reading this, please say a little prayer that these two people will fully come to accept the Lord.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Saturday, June 9, 2012
EOSY Update!
Apologizing in advance for the lack of paragraphs...apparently blogger doesn't like them today :(
How has it been since April that I blogged? Time flies when you are having fun....or raising kids....oh, wait, is that supposed to be fun? ;)
School is out, and I am so glad. We finally have a pool to go to, and some more friends WITH pools who invite us over from time to time, and the weather is quite mild for almost half-way through June. Now, if we can just be healthy, it could turn out to be the best summer ever. Georgia has had the longest, worst cold of her little life. Nothing serious, just long and symptom-filled. Then right at the end of that, I got a stomach bug, which passed onto Jaylan and then Kaleb. So it's been a good ten days since I've had a decent night's sleep. I find myself napping a lot lately, and threatening the boys with naps should they prove loud enough to bother me during said naps. So between illnesses and naps, we are having a good time swimming and working out at the gym we joined for the summer.
I did my first triathlon. It was hard. Harder than I expected, hopefully because I pushed myself harder than I thought I would. I'm anxious to do another, but it's really inconvenient. They start early, early, and I have to haul a bike there (which doesn't fit in an SUV) and hope Jeremy doesn't have to work. It's almost just not worth the trouble right now. I'm hoping to get in another one or two before the end of the year, though, even if they are the ones that are at the gym. Those count too!!
Jeremy is working like a dog, late nights, weekends, the whole shebang. We are both anxious for this particular job to be over. It's been a rough one more than just for the longer days, but also for the job itself. He has learned a lot though, and I think we are both anticipating a promotion with our next move. Of course we aren't expecting, but hopefully anticipating. He's ready, but there still has to be need and opportunity within the company....it's a right place, right time kind of thing as much as it is anything. Regardless, we continue to be very grateful for his job.
Kaleb and Jaylan both had really great school years. Kaleb's grades are fantastic, which is what is expected. He continues to excel academically, and is reluctantly reading some really challenging books this summer. I say reluctantly, because even though he is reading them, and liking them, I have to MAKE him do it every day. Jaylan has proven to be just as "good" at school as Kaleb. He excels much more in the charm department than Kaleb does, a talent he most certainly inherited from my better half. He is becoming such a sweet and loving kid. I tell him he's the sweetest thing I have. He also made a profession of Christ earlier this year, which we are over the moon happy about. We are still waiting on the Holy Spirit's timing with regard to baptism. Both boys also finished a spring season of football (THAT IS WHY I hadn't posted since April!!). It was short, and hard, but fun. Jaylan played tackle and did a GREAT job despite being the smallest one on the field every week. Kaleb never came off the field for his team, playing both defense and offense on a team of kids his age and a year older. Jaylan, too, played both ways and on all the special teams. We were super proud of them both!! Jaylan will return to flags in the fall and Kaleb will remain on the "rookie" squad. We are looking forward to them having great seasons, both personally, and their teams as well. And Georgia, well, she's a toddler, so she's making changes so often who can keep up? She's so spoiled by everyone. Being the littlest is such an easy gig. That said, the sibling rivalry has begun. She is very jealous and isn't coping very well with her brothers being home all the time now. She has to share her mommy most of the day, and she isn't happy about that at.all. But she's a pretty easy-going kid, and having a daughter still makes my heart swoon. I didn't even know my heart was really missing a place made just for a daughter, but we can just share stuff (like matching shoes and painted toes) that I can never share with my boys. Plus, by the time the boys were two, they'd already begun their preference for their Daddy. Which is how it should be. And, while Georgia likes her Daddy alright, she will, I presume, forever give her female parent the slight preference. And if I'm wrong for being the slightest bit happy about that, well, then I don't want to be right ;)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012
Healthy Pasta Your Kids Will Actually Eat!
I LOVE pasta, but let's face it, it is rarely ever a good choice in terms of calories and nutrition. Typically, it's high in one and low in the other. And while I can't make pasta have any less calories, I can certainly add so much nutrition to the sauce that the calorie content is less of a concern. Sort of a "the good outweighs the bad" kind of thing. That's typically my mission. If something is high in calories and/or fat, I try to amp up the nutrition, so at least I am getting good with bad. With my kids I am less concerned with calorie content, but highly concerned with nutrition. If your kids are at healthy weights and have mostly healthy diets, calories are less of a concern. Growing bodies need calories and fat, they just need them from a variety of nutritious sources!

So in an effort to make spaghetti, chicken parmesean, tortellinis, and a whole host of other pasta dishes my children LOVE, a choice for a meal I can feel good about, I have turned plain ole pasta sauce into a vegetable filled wonder your kids will love too!! It all starts with a lot of love, a little motivation, and a smidge of deceit. Yes, yes, as mothers it is our DUTY to deceive our children from time to time. THIS is one of those times!
It starts with a few basic ingredients: Noodles of your choosing, but go for the whole wheat ones, or even a mixture of half white, half whole wheat if you think your kids (or you) don't like whole wheat noodles. Then pasta sauce of your choosing. Yes, yes, I know, high in sodium, but I have a real problem with canned tomatoes, and kid's prefer canned sauce, so for us, a small glass jar of Prego is my choice. I prefer Prego because the ingredient list is pretty short, and no HFCS! You'll only need a small jar because the vegetables you are about to add will make it all saucy. And don't throw away that jar!! Olive oil, your choice of meat, three bell peppers (you choose the colors, I use one red, one green, one orange), half a sweet onion, mushrooms, and your choice of a squash (I prefer zucchini, but butternut is a good choice too!). And whatever pasta cheeses you like, of course!

Start cutting vegetables and dump them all into the large pot you are going to be making your sauce in. Mix it up, cut 'em whatever size you'd prefer to eat, because it won't matter (deceit, remember, we'll be employing it later). I do cut mine pretty small to reduce cook time. Dump the sauce on top and simmer with a lid. It takes a good while, but you'll have a nice sauce when it's done. I don't even add any seasoning because it isn't necessary. It's done when all your veges are soft.
Here is the vegetables and Prego mixed together and covered to simmer.

Here it is about 20 minutes later. See? Saucy.

While the sauce is cooking, I prepare my meat. Usually it is just ground meat (we eat mostly venison, but turkey, chicken, or beef are fine) for us, but sometimes I cut some chicken breasts for some chicken parmesean, which is what I've done for the purpose of this blog (just coincidence). I battered them in some whole wheat italian bread crumbs and browned them in some olive oil. With ground meat, you won't need the olive oil. Once the meat is cooked, you can add it to your sauce. For the chicken, I just lay it on top later, so no need to add. You also, obviously, don't NEED the meat. We just like it better with meat, but that is totally a choice. This sauce is just as good without anything else.

Once your sauce is done, break out the blender!!! You read that right, break out your blender. It is time to deceive your precious offspring. First off, that jar I insisted you keep, be sure to leave it out on the counter somewhere. Now, I'm not saying you should tell them your sauce is purely Prego, but if they assume, who are you to change their assumptions? :) Dump or spoon your sauce into the blender. (I LOVE this sauce so much, so I always save some the way that it is, because my husband and I love eating it unblended.) Blend it up and serve it up. It's also great leftover, so if you have way too much, freeze half for another day :)

Top with some cheese, and they'll never know. You may even hear a, "Mom, this is the best spaghetti you ever made!" I've heard it many times!! That tastes better than the sauce, I promise :)
So in an effort to make spaghetti, chicken parmesean, tortellinis, and a whole host of other pasta dishes my children LOVE, a choice for a meal I can feel good about, I have turned plain ole pasta sauce into a vegetable filled wonder your kids will love too!! It all starts with a lot of love, a little motivation, and a smidge of deceit. Yes, yes, as mothers it is our DUTY to deceive our children from time to time. THIS is one of those times!
It starts with a few basic ingredients: Noodles of your choosing, but go for the whole wheat ones, or even a mixture of half white, half whole wheat if you think your kids (or you) don't like whole wheat noodles. Then pasta sauce of your choosing. Yes, yes, I know, high in sodium, but I have a real problem with canned tomatoes, and kid's prefer canned sauce, so for us, a small glass jar of Prego is my choice. I prefer Prego because the ingredient list is pretty short, and no HFCS! You'll only need a small jar because the vegetables you are about to add will make it all saucy. And don't throw away that jar!! Olive oil, your choice of meat, three bell peppers (you choose the colors, I use one red, one green, one orange), half a sweet onion, mushrooms, and your choice of a squash (I prefer zucchini, but butternut is a good choice too!). And whatever pasta cheeses you like, of course!
Start cutting vegetables and dump them all into the large pot you are going to be making your sauce in. Mix it up, cut 'em whatever size you'd prefer to eat, because it won't matter (deceit, remember, we'll be employing it later). I do cut mine pretty small to reduce cook time. Dump the sauce on top and simmer with a lid. It takes a good while, but you'll have a nice sauce when it's done. I don't even add any seasoning because it isn't necessary. It's done when all your veges are soft.
Here is the vegetables and Prego mixed together and covered to simmer.
Here it is about 20 minutes later. See? Saucy.
While the sauce is cooking, I prepare my meat. Usually it is just ground meat (we eat mostly venison, but turkey, chicken, or beef are fine) for us, but sometimes I cut some chicken breasts for some chicken parmesean, which is what I've done for the purpose of this blog (just coincidence). I battered them in some whole wheat italian bread crumbs and browned them in some olive oil. With ground meat, you won't need the olive oil. Once the meat is cooked, you can add it to your sauce. For the chicken, I just lay it on top later, so no need to add. You also, obviously, don't NEED the meat. We just like it better with meat, but that is totally a choice. This sauce is just as good without anything else.
Once your sauce is done, break out the blender!!! You read that right, break out your blender. It is time to deceive your precious offspring. First off, that jar I insisted you keep, be sure to leave it out on the counter somewhere. Now, I'm not saying you should tell them your sauce is purely Prego, but if they assume, who are you to change their assumptions? :) Dump or spoon your sauce into the blender. (I LOVE this sauce so much, so I always save some the way that it is, because my husband and I love eating it unblended.) Blend it up and serve it up. It's also great leftover, so if you have way too much, freeze half for another day :)

Top with some cheese, and they'll never know. You may even hear a, "Mom, this is the best spaghetti you ever made!" I've heard it many times!! That tastes better than the sauce, I promise :)
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
I love my boys, but I hate their room.
I mean, really, really, really hate their room. I tried painting the walls before, but the room is so small and there is not one, but two, boys living in there!! It felt so tight and cramped, that it just seems like white is the way to go. I could choose something really light, I guess, but light colors don't exactly say "boy" to me. So, white just seems like the obvious choice. That means, however, the walls need some life! Fortunately one is covered almost completely by the bunk bed. Unfortunately, the only place the bed makes sense is in front of the room's only window. So that looks totally stupid, but there is really nothing to be done about it, save losing lots of drawer space, and that CAN NOT happen. They need it ALL!!!
So those are a lot of obstacles to overcome, but I can honestly say I don't HATE their room anymore. And to make matters more awesome, they keep it pretty clean now. It took some major rearranging, and, of course also involved a playroom remake. So here are some befores, afters, and tricks I used to make the playroom and my boy's room places I don't absolutely abhor, and instead places that are nice, inviting, and will hopefully make someone else desperately want to buy my house down the road :)
I decided their closet, which was such a mess of shoes they rarely wear, needed a makeover too. I needed a place to store football stuff too, since they are playing year round now, we always have equipment, plus they need access to compression tops, shorts, tshirt, jerseys, and pads so I'm not having to locate them 5 minutes before it's time to leave. So I emptied the bookshelf and stuck it in there. Now all the shoes they rarely wear are in there, along with a shelf per boy for football stuff. Then the shoes they wear often have a place in the front, but it is only one pair per boy.

Shelves I made for under $30, my fav being the top shelf with their football pics and trophies. Thanks to friends who caught these awesome photos last season. And a third wall with more football awards and pics. My mom bought them those football player collages. I love them since filling them with cute pics from last season....that, again, I got from friends.

And the bed covering the window. I still don't love that situation, but it's what I have to work with, so....yeah.

The walls still need some work, so if you cute stuff you want to get rid of, message me, I'll send you my address. :)
So those are a lot of obstacles to overcome, but I can honestly say I don't HATE their room anymore. And to make matters more awesome, they keep it pretty clean now. It took some major rearranging, and, of course also involved a playroom remake. So here are some befores, afters, and tricks I used to make the playroom and my boy's room places I don't absolutely abhor, and instead places that are nice, inviting, and will hopefully make someone else desperately want to buy my house down the road :)
I decided their closet, which was such a mess of shoes they rarely wear, needed a makeover too. I needed a place to store football stuff too, since they are playing year round now, we always have equipment, plus they need access to compression tops, shorts, tshirt, jerseys, and pads so I'm not having to locate them 5 minutes before it's time to leave. So I emptied the bookshelf and stuck it in there. Now all the shoes they rarely wear are in there, along with a shelf per boy for football stuff. Then the shoes they wear often have a place in the front, but it is only one pair per boy.

Shelves I made for under $30, my fav being the top shelf with their football pics and trophies. Thanks to friends who caught these awesome photos last season. And a third wall with more football awards and pics. My mom bought them those football player collages. I love them since filling them with cute pics from last season....that, again, I got from friends.
And the bed covering the window. I still don't love that situation, but it's what I have to work with, so....yeah.
The walls still need some work, so if you cute stuff you want to get rid of, message me, I'll send you my address. :)
Thursday, March 15, 2012
It definitely deserves a shout out! So very much work. I thought this would be a 3 or 4 day project. Bawahaha! More like a 3 WEEK project. It drove me absolutely crazy being unfinished, so some days I promised myself I would NOT paint all day. Most of those days I followed through on my no painting for today promise. Other times, I failed to, didn't work out or pay any more attention to the kids than they absolutely demanded. So it totally become a family commitment even though I was the only one doing the actual painting. I thought I'd never finish, but it's done and I'm happy with the way most of it looks. Now I just need to decorate above the cabinets. That means I have to spend some time on Pinterest getting great ideas to copy. Here are the before and after photos.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Canvas Art - Not as easy as it looks
Well, I've finally finished painting the living room and most of the kitchen, with the exception of the backsplash, which is proving to be difficult. Straight lines on textured walls are difficult to come by, especially when you want those lines to be a mere quarter of an inch wide. Someone forgot to let The Home Depot know the importance of stocking painter's tape in quarter inch rolls just for me. So I've several other projects going at the same time because a girl gets bored watching paint dry, and if the mess is already made, well, it should be utilized. That, and my mantra has become, "Less Pinning, More Doing." So, I did.
Here is a canvas I painted. I just used the same colors of my kitchen and living areas, but I can't figure out where to hang it. I used Kaleb's hands and feet because they seemed to be the most correct size. In restrospect, Jaylan was probably the better muse, but I still like the way it turned out.

This was the other one. It looks a lot like a third grader did it, so that may be what I let people believe, if need be. This one is all my own, as in I thought it up myself. Next time I'll be sure and utilize a paint pen instead of a paint brush. I love the way Jaylan's hand turned out (in blue) and I love that mine had a smidgeon of paint from my wedding band that got on there. Otherwise, this will likely be a wall hanger somewhere it won't be seen often. It will look good on a brown wall, however. The little cut out with the heart says '12. I'd do my whole house in stuff like this if I thought people wouldn't laugh at me behind my back ;)

So, as it turns out, all that canvas art you see on Pinterest....it's not as easy as it looks. I keep promise pics of my house remodel via paint, and it's coming. I started the backsplash yesterday, so in two weeks or so, I ought to be done. sigh
Here is a canvas I painted. I just used the same colors of my kitchen and living areas, but I can't figure out where to hang it. I used Kaleb's hands and feet because they seemed to be the most correct size. In restrospect, Jaylan was probably the better muse, but I still like the way it turned out.

This was the other one. It looks a lot like a third grader did it, so that may be what I let people believe, if need be. This one is all my own, as in I thought it up myself. Next time I'll be sure and utilize a paint pen instead of a paint brush. I love the way Jaylan's hand turned out (in blue) and I love that mine had a smidgeon of paint from my wedding band that got on there. Otherwise, this will likely be a wall hanger somewhere it won't be seen often. It will look good on a brown wall, however. The little cut out with the heart says '12. I'd do my whole house in stuff like this if I thought people wouldn't laugh at me behind my back ;)
So, as it turns out, all that canvas art you see on Pinterest....it's not as easy as it looks. I keep promise pics of my house remodel via paint, and it's coming. I started the backsplash yesterday, so in two weeks or so, I ought to be done. sigh
Monday, February 13, 2012
My next DIY
Project: FAIL!
I even took pictures to post along the way. Bawahaha! What a joke! Turns out you have to sand or at least put that neato "you don't have to sand it first paint" paint in order to spray paint a table. So now, what was a well intentioned table, turned into a DIYer's lesson learned.

Yeah, I so did that myself, and I'm pretty darn proud of them. So proud, in fact, I'm pretty sure I'm making some more in "the most fabulous for my bedroom" fabric I've ever seen!! I think I'm only super proud because I'm basically a self-taught seamstress. And I used the word "seamstress" as loosely as possible. In fact, I only use "seamstress" because I've no idea of a synonym for such a word....a synonym that, by it's use, indicates less....much less.... ability and talent. I did, once, ask a friend (with amazing talent) to come and teach me the basics of my mom's sewing machine. From there, I was on my own. And I can still only sew an almost straight line, but I've learned a few tricks (taught in probably ever home-ec class ever given....but I was a jock WAY too cool for home-ec......oh, if I'd have only known how useless basketball would be and how useful home-ec would have been!!) along the path of self-teaching. I did put forth a grand effort (which I rarely do), have some curtains in another room that I was able to reference and copy, and, as I've said before, I'm a great copier!
I still have yet to tackle the backsplash, but I've picked colors out, so I'm getting there. There are a few things I have to get off my "to-do" list before I feel like I can start that.
That last sentence is a foreshadowing to my boy's "Science Fair' projects. Pray for me because I'd like them to be THEIR'S so THEY can be proud, and it will take every ounce of self-restraint to HELP rather than to DO! Of course, if previous class projects are any indication, my desire to restrain myself from doing it for them is a far-cry from most of these parent's complete willingness to do their child's homework for them. I just want my child to feel accomplished at the end for something other than writing their name.
I even took pictures to post along the way. Bawahaha! What a joke! Turns out you have to sand or at least put that neato "you don't have to sand it first paint" paint in order to spray paint a table. So now, what was a well intentioned table, turned into a DIYer's lesson learned.
Yeah, I so did that myself, and I'm pretty darn proud of them. So proud, in fact, I'm pretty sure I'm making some more in "the most fabulous for my bedroom" fabric I've ever seen!! I think I'm only super proud because I'm basically a self-taught seamstress. And I used the word "seamstress" as loosely as possible. In fact, I only use "seamstress" because I've no idea of a synonym for such a word....a synonym that, by it's use, indicates less....much less.... ability and talent. I did, once, ask a friend (with amazing talent) to come and teach me the basics of my mom's sewing machine. From there, I was on my own. And I can still only sew an almost straight line, but I've learned a few tricks (taught in probably ever home-ec class ever given....but I was a jock WAY too cool for home-ec......oh, if I'd have only known how useless basketball would be and how useful home-ec would have been!!) along the path of self-teaching. I did put forth a grand effort (which I rarely do), have some curtains in another room that I was able to reference and copy, and, as I've said before, I'm a great copier!
I still have yet to tackle the backsplash, but I've picked colors out, so I'm getting there. There are a few things I have to get off my "to-do" list before I feel like I can start that.
That last sentence is a foreshadowing to my boy's "Science Fair' projects. Pray for me because I'd like them to be THEIR'S so THEY can be proud, and it will take every ounce of self-restraint to HELP rather than to DO! Of course, if previous class projects are any indication, my desire to restrain myself from doing it for them is a far-cry from most of these parent's complete willingness to do their child's homework for them. I just want my child to feel accomplished at the end for something other than writing their name.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
So apparently I love DIY
My new love for Pinterest has made me realize, I'm no blogger, I'm a DIYer!!! So DIY I will! My husband will lose his mind in the process of me decorating and redecorating every room, but I will decorate and redecorate like crazy....so we'll both be crazy together!
I thought I'd blog my DIY projects, most of all of which, I will be copying from something I saw on Pinterest. So don't go thinking I'm crafty or creative. Neither of those am I. However I am a genius copycat! My two most recent productions:
The first inspired by Pinterest and, "Mooooom, what is for dinner?" said by at least one if not three children almost every single day. My mom had me over for the weekend so I could clean and organize my dad's office. I figured this was a great way to score some junk for a couple of DIY projects. Turns out the joke was on me, because all I got was a bunch of sneezing, a runny nose, a nice dinner, a grateful mom, and this ugly old nicely framed picture of a drilling rig....of course that nice frame was 35 years old at least! Also perfect for this DIY project! Counting paint and those expensive little sticker letters, this redo cost me less than $10.

The second is the finale to Jeremy throwing out a frame I literally cried over. It was a big misunderstanding brought on by the fact that we both only about half listen to each other when the kids are awake. Ok, ok, it's really just me that only listens about 50%, he listens about 85%. Anyway, I'm not a sentimental person (much to my mother's dismay and repeated preaching about how I'll regret that one day.....whatever) so I don't typically get upset about broken, lost, or missing things. This frame, however, was special to me (ironically, it was given to me by someone I'm not particularly fond of, but that's another story). It has a verse on it that I liked, and it held the very first picture of my family of 5. With this particular verse, which became Georgia's, it was something that reminded me of trial and victory both at the same time. You know, just the way God turns your deepest hurt and sorrow into something beautiful and wonderful and you are all the better for it. It's a long story how that came to be, but the point is that frame, holding that picture was very important to me. The piece that made it stand up broke, and I asked Jeremy to try and fix it. It wasn't fixable, and he didn't know I would have kept it and figured out another way to use it, so he chucked it. I didn't realize this until a day or two later and it was gone, gone, gone by then :( I cried. I admit it. I wasn't even hormonal or anything. I cried about a thing. Pathetic, I know. I didn't even cry when I lost the diamond to my engagement ring, but I cried over this stupid frame. Perspective. Anyway, this was the remake. I had this shadow box frame, and this was the remake of that frame. It isn't the same, but it's almost as good, and honestly, MUCH better looking.

Yes, that is a diaper....a tiny little diaper I kept from the dozen or so I'd already bought for the baby we lost.
Next up: I paint the backsplash and start redoing my kitchen! Jeremy won't love the process, but he's starting to like the stuff I do...when it is finished....as if finished is ever possible ;)
I thought I'd blog my DIY projects, most of all of which, I will be copying from something I saw on Pinterest. So don't go thinking I'm crafty or creative. Neither of those am I. However I am a genius copycat! My two most recent productions:
The first inspired by Pinterest and, "Mooooom, what is for dinner?" said by at least one if not three children almost every single day. My mom had me over for the weekend so I could clean and organize my dad's office. I figured this was a great way to score some junk for a couple of DIY projects. Turns out the joke was on me, because all I got was a bunch of sneezing, a runny nose, a nice dinner, a grateful mom, and this ugly old nicely framed picture of a drilling rig....of course that nice frame was 35 years old at least! Also perfect for this DIY project! Counting paint and those expensive little sticker letters, this redo cost me less than $10.

The second is the finale to Jeremy throwing out a frame I literally cried over. It was a big misunderstanding brought on by the fact that we both only about half listen to each other when the kids are awake. Ok, ok, it's really just me that only listens about 50%, he listens about 85%. Anyway, I'm not a sentimental person (much to my mother's dismay and repeated preaching about how I'll regret that one day.....whatever) so I don't typically get upset about broken, lost, or missing things. This frame, however, was special to me (ironically, it was given to me by someone I'm not particularly fond of, but that's another story). It has a verse on it that I liked, and it held the very first picture of my family of 5. With this particular verse, which became Georgia's, it was something that reminded me of trial and victory both at the same time. You know, just the way God turns your deepest hurt and sorrow into something beautiful and wonderful and you are all the better for it. It's a long story how that came to be, but the point is that frame, holding that picture was very important to me. The piece that made it stand up broke, and I asked Jeremy to try and fix it. It wasn't fixable, and he didn't know I would have kept it and figured out another way to use it, so he chucked it. I didn't realize this until a day or two later and it was gone, gone, gone by then :( I cried. I admit it. I wasn't even hormonal or anything. I cried about a thing. Pathetic, I know. I didn't even cry when I lost the diamond to my engagement ring, but I cried over this stupid frame. Perspective. Anyway, this was the remake. I had this shadow box frame, and this was the remake of that frame. It isn't the same, but it's almost as good, and honestly, MUCH better looking.
Yes, that is a diaper....a tiny little diaper I kept from the dozen or so I'd already bought for the baby we lost.
Next up: I paint the backsplash and start redoing my kitchen! Jeremy won't love the process, but he's starting to like the stuff I do...when it is finished....as if finished is ever possible ;)
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