And here I thought Kaleb wasn't too excited about school today. After crying yesterday about how he'd be gone all day and miss us, and saying he didn't want to start school today because school is BORING, I thought I'd be rushing around this morning getting him ready and there on time, and yet here I sit blogging at 6am. Yeah, he's been up since 530am. So he can say what he likes, action speak louder, and all....
So, we are certified to play football. That was a barrel of fun, let me tell you. Thank God for new/good friends and people who will take good, if only brief, care of my kids. We were late, but the Team Moms were waiting by the door the grab the kids out of the car and take them in, so all was well. I love my new friends Dawn and MIssy. They are AWESOME, and together, and organized, and responsible, and just my kind of mamas. They can take care of their own kids and all the other kids with parents too flaky to get places on time...amongst a whole host of other things parents do that warrant the need for strangers to do things for their kids.
Today is the beginning of another new normal. I think the house will be nice and quiet about 230pm when the boys will certainly be crashing after their 530am wake up!! Pics to come of my big first grader!!
Glad to see you blogging again. Fun to read about the kids. Keep it going