I finally got to meet Cathe Friedrich and have a awesome weekend of fitness. It was great, and I've been so inspired to get even more fit. She is such a great motivation. I bought another DVD and am chompin' at the bit to buy even more.
Football is coming to a close. The boys last game is Saturday. The boys have had fun, but I am so glad it is almost over now.
Kaleb has lost his two front teeth now, courtesy of our dentist, again. Poor kid has lost 6 teeth now, but has yet to pull one himself. I really thought this one might come on it's own, but no such luck. None of the permanent teeth are dissolving the roots of the baby teeth, so the dentists has to pull them all. Poor guy, and poor Daddy's pocket book. We went the cheap route this last time, which caused significantly more dramatics, but Mommy hung out in the waiting room and Daddy dealt with the overreacting 6 year old. :) Speaking of teeth, the littlest one has a whole mouthful now. It's so cute. If you smile at her, she's taken to cheesing back at you, showing off all her pearly whites. She says "uh oh" and will give me some slobbery open mouthed kisses on cue, most of the time. And I'm going to pay for my raising with her. With Kaleb, I don't think Jeremy or I either one is paying for anything. He's pretty much perfect as far as 6 year olds go. Jaylan, well that is me paying for my brother's raising, which is completely unfair, but certainly helps me appreciate and value so many qualities and personality traits that I do not, myself, possess. And Georgia, well she throws HUGE fits because her toys don't behave the way she wants. Yes, her will is strong, a personality trait my mom has many times accused me of possessing. It's quite humorous, for now, however, I expect that strong will to challenge my own someday in ways more significant than the occasional temper tantrum caused when she isn't allowed to play in the toilet water.
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